Need help selecting the perfect books for your classroom, library, or organization?
The Language Lizard Personal Shopper makes ordering easy! Fill out the form below to tell us about the languages, age range, budget, and types of books you need, including any specific titles you'd like to include. Our Personal Shopper Service will help create a personalized quote that you can review, change, and finally approve or submit to your purchasing department. Click the button below to fill out the form: PERSONAL SHOPPER CONTACT FORM
How does the Personal Shopper Service work?
Step 1: Complete the form above or contact us via email or phone. A Language Lizard Personal Shopper will create a quote (with shipping and all relevant charges included). Step 2: Review your quote. If you wish to remove or add additional items, simply let your Personal Shopper know. We'll work closely with you until you're happy with your quote! Step 3: Take the next step: Option 1: Approve the quote for processing (in writing/email). Option 2: Give the quote to your purchasing department to add as an attachment to an official school or library purchase order. Once a quote is approved and payment method updated, it becomes an official order and we will begin processing. At that time, no more changes to the order can be made, and Language Lizard's normal payment and return policies apply. |